Range Rover 448PN Engine Details

Engine Make
Range Rover
Engine Fuel
Engine Horse Power
Engine Size
Engine Code
Engine Layout
Engine Actual CC
Engine Cylinders
Engine Valves
Engine Power KW
220 kW
Engine Fuel Supply
Intake Manifold Injection/ Carburettor
Engine Charge
Naturally Aspirated Engine
Engine Camshaft Drive
All-wheel Drive

Buy Second-hand and Recon Range Rover 448PN Engines

Range Rover has developed many performance-oriented engines that complement their top-of-the-line SUVs in both performance and reliability. Those engines are engineered with extreme care and involve state-of-the-art technology and at some point, in their life, may need replacement due to any given reason.

Vogue Technics is responsible for providing fully working and reliable replacement Range Rover 448PN engines. We have a large stock of all Range Rover engines of all variants that we acquire from breaker yards all over the United Kingdom.

A Capable Range Rover Engine

Range Rover 448PN are 4.4-litre naturally aspirated engines that produce 299 bhp and had tremendous torque to pull the heavy vehicles it was installed in.

You can buy those engines directly from the dealership. However, brand new engines are very expensive and can affect your budget severely. Vogue Technics can provide an excellent alternative and provide used or reconditioned engines at bargain prices. We also can do the fitting and if we do not have your engine in stock then we promise to rebuild your engine to the standard of the brand-new engine.

You can also save up to 60% when you buy a used or reconditioned engine instead of spending the cash on the new one. and we provide a limited warranty on every engine we provide depending on the condition and price of the engine. book an appointment online or call our staff and you won’t be disappointed.