Range Rover 204PT Engine Details

Engine Make
Range Rover
Engine Fuel
Engine Horse Power
Engine Size
Engine Code
Engine Layout
Engine Actual CC
Engine Cylinders
Engine Valves
Engine Power KW
176 kW
Engine Fuel Supply
Direct Injection
Engine Charge
Exhaust Turbo Charger
Engine Camshaft Drive
All-wheel Drive

Buy Quality Replacement Engines for your Range Rover 204PT

Replacing your Range Rover 204PT engine can be an uphill task until you decide to take help from the Vogue Technics experts in this field. We provide comprehensive services including advice regarding your existing engine and can also advise about the suitability of the replacement engines. We provide you with a replacement engine and can fit the engine in your vehicle at minimal charges. You can complete the whole process while sitting in the safety of your home.

Efficient Range Rover 204PT Engine

This powerful yet efficient 2.0-litre inline 4 petrol engine can produce 240 bhp at 5500rpm and 340 Nm torque at 1750 rpm. This engine accelerates from 0-62 mph in 11 seconds and can reach the top speed of 196 km/h.

You can buy a brand-new engine from the dealership but it’s not a cheap option. If you are on a budget then you should consider finding a used or reconditioned Range Rover 204PT engine from a reliable source.

Your Trusted Engine Supplier

Vogue Technics web has a vast experience under its belt of providing reliable used and reconditioned Range Rover 204PT replacement engines at affordable prices. We offer a warranty with every engine that we provide depending on the condition of the engine and you are certain to save almost 60% compared to the price of a new engine. you can book an appointment online or over the phone.