Land Rover 448PN Engine Details

Engine Make
Land Rover
Engine Fuel
Engine Horse Power
Engine Size
Engine Code
Engine Layout
Engine Actual CC
Engine Cylinders
Engine Valves
Engine Power KW
220 kW
Engine Fuel Supply
Intake Manifold Injection/ Carburettor
Engine Charge
Naturally Aspirated Engine
Engine Camshaft Drive
All-wheel Drive

Buy Reconditioned & Used Land Rover 448PN Engines

Finding an Land Rover 448PN engine that is in perfect working condition and cost an affordable price is not an easy task. However, Vogue Technics has over 20 years of experience in providing dependable used or reconditioned Land Rover engines at incredibly cheap and affordable prices.

Reliable Land Rover 448PN Engines

This 4.4-Liter petrol engine can produce 300 bhp at 5500 rpm and 425 Nm torque at 4000 rpm. It is a naturally aspirated engine without a turbocharger.

Vogue Technics acquires low-mileage used engines and runs various tests on them to check their quality and reliability of those engines. We put those engines on sale and choose low mileage engines for reconditioning. We strip those engines and check every component. We replace faulty components with genuine OEM spares. Our reconditioned engines are as good as new ones when it comes to performance and reliability.

We not only provide replacement engines but we offer an excellent fitting and replacement service as well. You can bring your Land Rover for engine fitting; engine rebuild or routine repairs and we ensure unmatched services at reasonable prices. You can book our services online or over the phone. We look forward to your services.