Land Rover 30HD0D Engine Details

Engine Make
Land Rover
Engine Fuel
Engine Horse Power
Engine Size
Engine Code
Engine Layout
Engine Actual CC
Engine Cylinders
Engine Valves
Engine Power KW
250 kW
Engine Fuel Supply
Direct Injection
Engine Charge
Engine Camshaft Drive
All-wheel Drive

Buy Land Rover 30HD0D Engines at Reasonable Prices

If you are hunting for a replacement 30HDOD engine for your Land Rover and finding it difficult to locate one, Vogue Technics can make things easier for you. We have been keeping stock of used and reconditioned Land Rover engines and providing them at affordable prices. We also have a fully equipped facility that can handle engine fitting and engine rebuilds along with engine routine repairs. You can locate your required engine and book our services right from the convenience of your home.

Efficiency and Performance with 30HDOD Engines

Land Rover produced these engines with performance and efficiency as their main requirements. The 3.0-Liter 6-cylinder petrol engine is capable of producing 340 hp by direct injection and works with all-wheel drive.

Vogue Technics offers both used and reconditioned engines for sale. Our reconditioned engines go through a detailed process and are as good as brand-new engines as far as performance and reliability are concerned.

We offer engine fitting, engine repairs, and engine rebuild with the help of highly trained mechanics and modern equipment. You save up to 60% when you buy a used or reconditioned engine as compared to a new one from the dealership. You can book our services online or over the phone and we look forward to your custom.