Land Rover 224DT Engine Details

Engine Make
Land Rover
Engine Fuel
Engine Horse Power
Engine Size
Engine Code
Engine Layout
Engine Actual CC
Engine Cylinders
Engine Valves
Engine Power KW
110 kW
Engine Fuel Supply
Direct Injection
Engine Charge
Engine Camshaft Drive
Front Wheel Drive

Find Quality Replacement Land Rover 224DT Engines at Lowest Online Rates

Finding a used or reconditioned replacement engine for your Land Rover 224DT can be difficult and time-consuming. However, Vogue Technics is always at hand for ultimate help. We manage a large stock of used and reconditioned Land Rover 224DT engines and strive to provide them at the cheapest price available. You can find your desired engine online or over the phone from the safety of your home.

A Potent Diesel Engine

A 2.2-litre direct injection diesel engine capable of producing 150 bhp and returning 8 mpl fuel average is more than capable of pulling the vehicle it is installed within.

Vogue Technics send teams of expert mechanics to find and purchase used 224DT engines from the breaker yards all over the United Kingdom. Once those engines are back in our workshop. We run several tests on them and put them on sale once satisfied. We recondition some of the low mileage engines and our reconditioned engines are as good as new engines for reliability and performance.

Save Money and Buy with Satisfaction

There is a chance that you could save up to 50% when you buy a used or reconditioned engine instead of a new one and a further 10% saving is available on seasonal and festive sales. We offer a written warranty on every engine that we sell and fit from our stock. you can get the engine delivered to your doorstep or we can arrange a vehicle pick up if you would like us to fit the replacement engine for you.