Land Rover 204DTD Engine Details

Engine Make
Land Rover
Engine Fuel
Engine Horse Power
Engine Size
Engine Code
Engine Layout
Engine Actual CC
Engine Cylinders
Engine Valves
Engine Power KW
110 kW
Engine Fuel Supply
Direct Injection
Engine Charge
Engine Camshaft Drive
All-wheel Drive

Buy Top Quality Land Rover 204DTD Engines at Cheapest Rates

Replacing your Land Rover 204DTD engine with a brand-new crate engine can break the bank. Dealerships are notoriously expensive not only for engines but for fitting services as well. If you are looking to replace the engine at an affordable price then you have landed at the right place. Vogue Technics offers used and reconditioned Land Rover 204DTD engines at incredibly low prices.

Efficient Yet Powerful Diesel Engine

Land Rover 204DTD is a 2.0-litre straight 4 engine that produces 150 hp at 4000 rpm and 380 Nm torque at 1750 rpm. Its top speed is limited to 196 km/h and it takes 0-62 mph in 11.2 seconds.

Vogue Technics collects low mileage engines with the help of expert mechanics and runs various tests to ensure the quality and performance of the engines. These engines are sent either to reconditioning department or to the sales and cost way less than the new engine.

You are sure to save up to 60% when you decide to buy a used or reconditioned engine instead of splashing your cash on brand new ones. We provide a warranty with every engine we sell. The warranty period depends on the condition of the engine. We can arrange fast delivery of the engine or a pickup of your vehicle from anywhere in the United Kingdom, replace the engine and deliver the vehicle to your doorstep.